The Toxins Hiding in Your Home
Did you know that the average woman puts 515 synthetic chemicals on her body every day, over 80 just before breakfast. 60% of those...

Can You Eat Healthy On The Go?
The question that often gets pushed to the side or is pretended by us all that the answer is a resounding "Nope!" may not be all that bad...

Why Did I Choose Vegan?
Why did I choose vegan? I guess the question I’ve asked myself more often is “why didn’t I choose vegan?” For a long time I wanted to “go...

Why I use Essential Oils
My journey with essential oils began when antibiotics and over the counter drugs were no longer cutting it for me in addition to some...

My Health Journey
Ever since I was really young I have been a REALLY picky eater. It was bad. I was so thin and also had stomach pains often. Of course I...